Hindu scriptures pdf

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Against this must be set the verses naming and characterising Kautilya, and the references in later literature. Mabbett 1964 'The content of the text is consistent with authorship in about the third century, C.E., and raises some questions which must be answered if it is to be assigned to the fourth B.C.E. ^ Trautmann 1971:185 'If the KautilÄ«ya ArthaÅ�Ä�stra in its present form is not so old as it pretends, the Å�Ä�stra itself is certainly old, predating the dharma smritis.'.while the more recent portion were not probably added till the 2nd century B.C. 38:'the Kernel of the Ramayana was composed before 500 B.C. History of Ancient India: Earliest Times to 1000 A. Recent studies have brought it down to about the fourth century BCE.' Penguin Group, 2006, page xxiii: 'The Indian epic, the Ramayana, dates back to 1500 BCE according to certain early scholars. ^ Sharma, Shubhra (1985), Life in the Upanishads, Abhinav Publications, ISBN978-81-7017-202-4, pp.158) based on 'cumulative evidence' sets wide range of 1700â�∱100 Estimates for a terminus post quem of the earliest hymns are more uncertain. 155) gives an estimate of 1100 BCE for the youngest hymns in book 10. ^ Oberlies, Thomas ( Die Religion des Rgveda, Wien, 1998, p.Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, 100 BCE - 500 CE.The early Upanishads were composed over 900 - 300 BC.

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